December 06, 2021 by Aaron Larsen
Congratulations to John Walkup and to his son, Chad Walkup! Both of their farming operations are now Water Quality Certified in the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP).
The Walkups farm southwest of Fergus Falls and plant a crop rotation of corn, soybeans, edible beans and wheat. Their use of conservation tillage and cover crops results in low soil erosion rates. These conservation practices as well as grassed filter strips reduce delivery of soil sediment or nutrients to creeks and other water bodies. Careful nutrient management and pest management are also important in this operation, as John and Chad strive to protect water quality.
The Walkups practice rotational grazing as they manage their 100 head cow-calf operation; this grazing system prevents overgrazing, increases forage production, and protects natural resources. Also, their marginal crop land has been converted to pasture or perennial cover for hay production, which also protects the soil from wind and water erosion.
On September 9th, 2021, John and Chad Walkup received their Water Quality Certified Farm signs. In the photo, from left to right, are: Aaron Larsen, West Otter Tail SWCD; John Walkup; Chad Walkup; and, Nathan Wiese, East Otter Tail SWCD.
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